Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Okay, I stapled the damn drywall square to the stinkin' floor. All I could do was laugh. Actually after prying it off the floor, Butch wasn't too pleased with me. For all he knew I could have stapled my foot to the floor, but nooooooo, just because his square now has a hole at 38 3/8 inches he was all upset with me. After I did that, I gave up on that 4" thing and just went for "about 4" "
I'm terrified of the nail gun, but that stapler was pretty damn fun.
He's been on shut-down at work this week, so he's been over there in the day, which means I get out of working at night. R has been helping him out with the painting and electric stuff. Butch says R knows what needs to be done and he just goes and does it. I think I'm jealous. I'll just bet he's not as much fun as me.....and I'm sure Butch sure doesn't have to worry as much either.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
The Floor no more
Well, we were rolling along gutting that kitchen, thinking we could patch it where it needed to be and level it and go on from there. Doug, the floor guy came to measure and was not to optimistic about being able to work with it like that. So we've spent the last 2 days tearing it up. We're now down to original old tongue and groove boards. The pick-up is overflowing with old floor bits. And there are still some at the house.
This is what went sat on a stool/milkcrate/something and with my favorite tool, a pry bar, and a hammer pried the damn floor up 4 inches at a time. Why 4 inches? Because that was how far apart the Person who put it down nailed it. I thought 432 staples he put in the one ceiling were bad. Of course, it's been mid 90 degrees all weekend. Talk about a hot pissed off grouch, and I was even worse!
We got the framing for the new ceiling up last weekend, and we did get it primed this past week, so we don't have to look at those scary walls. I had to scrub them down before we could even put the Kiltz on it. I honestly don't think that they'd ever been cleaned of kitchen grease or cigarette smoke...ever. I didn't remember to take the camera along, so no great photos of the mess.
Another night for rum and Motrin.....I sure hope we never run out of either!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
2 years

Lyd, and the girls
An something old was a gold pin shaped like a palm tree. My grandfather, on probably the only vacation he ever had, went to Florida, and brought Lydia back the pin. So, I didn't want to lose something that meant so much by having it pinned somewhere, so I put it down the front of the brassiere. When Butch squeezed me and leaned me backward, the torture strapless bra threw my boobs up to my chin and smooshed the sharp leaves of the pin into the ta's. That was the moment the photographer took this picture.
We spent about 10 days on the island and towards the end of our HONEYMOON, I looked at my now husband, and realized that the one baseball cap he had been wearing the entire time of our HONEYMOON said.....
I'd Rather Be Racing!