oh, hell I am.
Just give a thumbs up, Lyd.
Adventures of drafter and Butch.
"Whatever Earl" is what you say when someone
you love starts a sentence with...
"I just was thinking....."
The Pencil Whipper
Damn Brat with 2 3's and a handful of wild cards
We took the B&G's new boat out on Monday and had a beautiful day. We went north up the Intercoastal and had the good fortune to see a pod of dolphins fishing. There were about 7 or 8 of them and 4 or 5 of them were driving fish over a sand bar into the waiting mouths of their friends. A couple of them swam along with the boat for a while. One came up right next to the side of the boat, R probably could have touched them. We went to Pecks lake and dropped anchor and went up over the sand dune to the ocean where we picked up shells for a while. The ocean water was so calm and glass like, G decided that with time running short, we'd make a run down the ocean from St Lucie inlet to the Jupiter inlet. It was really nice out there with the boat making a full run. A shame though, that the water was just too cold to jump in. As we came through the inlet we looked over and there was a big old sea turtle swimming along. He had barnacles all over him. We got back in time for Butch and myself to jump through the shower, snarf up some of B's good chicken and get dropped off at the airport.