Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Whatever Wednesday 6/27

 Harpers Ferry WV
Only about a half hour away from us, so we thought we'd spend the day there and geo-cache a bit while we were wandering.  What we wandered into was the Cycle across West Virginia.  2,000 bicyclists on the last day of their road trip.  Amazingly, they were all still happy.  I'd have never made it that far.  I stick to the tow paths, rail trails, and park trails marked easy.

Potomac River before it hits the Shenanoah River
At the point where the two rivers meet

 Did anyone ever tell you that Harpers Ferry is not on the side of a hill, but on the side of a cliff?  People born and raised there are part mountain goat.  We were down at John Browns, and up at the cemetery, and up even more on the Appalachian trail.

We've now been on the trail in 3 states.  Of course not all in one hike, what do you think I am, crazy?  Don't answer that.

butch is explaining something as only he can.  probably telling me about how they leveled off this little bit of actual grass in the entire town.

and then he found one of his favorite things.  i literally had to drag him away with the promise of a beer. 

So, hot and tired and knowing that my legs were going to be killing me the next day, we headed to a tavern named the Secret Six.  Named for the six men that funded John Browns raids.  The place had great beer taps.....worked for me!
OH, and i forgot, somewhere along the way, i managed to get nailed with about 8 or 9 chigger bites.  those bites don't just itch, but they hurt and boy, do they BURN! 

Whatever Wednesdays

Well, I did it.
butch finally talked me into it.
i went and became unemployed to his retired.

so scary.

so, one of the things we are going to try to do is Whatever Wednesdays.  in other words, make sure we're off doing something.  it may be something that only interests the two of us as demented as we are, but

so i'm going to try to write up our travels here as i go.  i'm behind, so i'll have a bunch on here at a time.  (you didn't think that i'd actually be up to date, did you?)