Butch's sister Connie from Panama City Fla is up here for a visit. She surprised Miss V, who had no idea she was here.
My little buddy Alex (V's grandson) wanted to use my camera, and he took these pictures:
A serious picture of Butch. If he would only wear something that didn't have FORD on it!
While the girls were up here, they did a ton of running around. Connie, of course, can't find hog maw in Fla. (go figure) so she buys 6 or so of them and carts them, and hominy home to Panama City. If you don't know what hog maw is, trust me, you don't want to know. Or, you could be brave and look it up. yuck is all I can say.
On Fathers day we had a big cook-out and Daren and Wanda and Christopher and his family came over. Miss V and R were there as well as the Fla girls. We ate, we drank, we told stories, and we threw some bocce. It was a beautiful day out and we enjoyed it immensely.
The girls were off first thing this morning to head to West Virginia for Mary, and then off to Panama City for Connie later in the week. Safe travels!
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