He also bitched to me about staying out of the sun. I told him that I had been a water rat as a kid, and a swim coach, and a lifeguard for 11 years. This was all before the invention of sunscreen. I am now careful not to get burned like I used to do. I'm the one with the spf 30 fussing over everyone. I love the beach, butch and I are sandcrabs. It used to be when I went to the beach only old people and babies sat under umbrellas, and that I guess I'm one of them now, cause for years, I've always carried one down to the sand. (umbrella that is, not babies or an old person) When I told the Dr this his suggestion was that maybe I just needed to wear more clothes at the beach. riiiight.
So I went in last Thursday and he cut up my back to the tune of half a dozen or so stitches inside and 19 staples outside. Butch laughed and said it looked like I had a zipper right up the middle of my back, and it did. The Dr even made the same comment last night when they started taking some of them out. He left 6 in still and I have to go back on Tuesday to get them out.
Here's a picture, black and white to help with the ewwwww factor.

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