Daren and Wanda got married at the JP's the end of May. They went to Williamsburg for their honeymoon and had a blast. When they got back, they had a pig roast to celebrate. Butch thought it was a great idea to take the motorhome over to their house and just stay there the weekend. It actually was a really good idea, cause that way we could be there to help with anything they needed to get done, and we'd have our own bed and not be in their way. Oh, stop, they've been living together for years now, so it's not like that!
Daren had been building a hell of a bonfire for about a month. While Wanda and I were in the house, and unknown to us, the son, with the father watching, lit that sucker. They told us that he'd put about a gallon of gasoline on it, and then trailed it down and away for saftey. That way, he'd just light the trail like a fuse. Great theory, until the matches were damp and wouldn't light. So Daren runs to the shed and grabs another pack and runs back up the hill and lights it. You do know about gasoline fumes....right? Well, Wanda and I are in the kitchen, and we hear the first whooomp, followed by a huge KAAAWHHHOOMP. I turned to her and said, do you think they have any eyebrows left? Let me just say, it wasn't the eyebrows Daren had to worry about. The fumes caused the flames to go toward the fire, but also backwards, through his legs! Good thing he had long pants on.
Butch had to get up on Saturday morning and go have blood work done. So he took the Subie and left about 7:30. Can't wait till he gets those results. You're supposed to fast for 12 hours before. yeah, right. At 9pm I looked at him with the beer in his hand and said, that's going to have to be your last one. At 11pm when he had a beer in one hand, and a piece of pizza in the other, I figured it was just too damn late to worry about it.
So while he's gone, the boys had gone and picked up the pig. When I walked down the hill this is what greated me.

Which, as I explained to Ryan, @#$@#$$%#$, Ryan, that's a hell of a @#$%#$#^^$# thing for the non meat eater to see first thing in the morning! Started his morning off with a good laugh.
Butch got back and had brought coffee for the fire keepers.

Hoover boys!

I believe this one is after butch and Daren had gone on the 8:30 am beer run.
Ryan and Terry did a spectacular job cooking "Ziffle" and the pig was dubed by Ryan. It finished up looking something like this.

Way too many things happened to try to write about, it'd take me way too long. Much was eaten, horseshoes thrown, kegs drained, beautiful wedding cake, very happy couple. There were mules to brag about, drunks to take home, lies to be told and men shot down. Wanda's son and his friends hauled in the second keg. Kids played, old people watched, everyone laughed.
It was a really beautiful day.
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