This year we did something different. We went to the island the third week instead of heading down there directly after Richmond. Why, you ask? Well, because we had some awesome company. Way back last winter, we were playing cards with V&R and she commented how much she loved being on the island when we got married and that she’d like to go back. Much to R’s chagrin, I told her if she thought she’d be able to stand a week at the beach with us, they were more than welcome to come along. A couple of days later, she called and was all apologetic and said she hoped I wouldn’t be mad at her, but she had mentioned it to sister B when she was on the phone with her and that the Jupiter FLA crew was wanting to go also. Hell, the more the merrier! After much planning and too much worrying on V’s part (I think she must have packed and repacked about a dozen times-no V, you don’t need a U-haul to get to the beach) we all set out for the little spit o’land off the NC coast.
We had a wonderful week. We had too much fun, too much alcohol (girls just wanna have rum), too much good food (huge lobster), and just way too nice a vacation. It’s taken me a while to write this, and part of the reason is because it was just too great of a time to get it all in. So I think the best way is to put way too many pictures up and let you decide.
Love to all the guilty parties!
Saturday-Yeah, the gang's all here.
Sunday-Dirty Dicks
Monday-Laying on the beach and lasagna ala R
Tuesday-V's birthday!! I let her get away with burping onions on me.
oh, no, bad weather cancels the Portsmith Island trip. Pyshc-just till later in the week. lay on the beach, run like hell when the storm on Ocrocoke hits us. V can't see much with sunscreen running into one eye, and rain messing up her glasses (up steps)
No problem, about the time everyone gets in and plops down, the sun is back out again.
Fine, lets go to the lighthouse. V,R,G and butch climb the top. B and me hang out on lightkeepers porch.

I have no idea what was up with butch's shirt and his jean pocket!

It was her birthday,plus it was V, how could I be mad if she turned away from her sister, and burped onion on me!

R waiting on the grub with Chef G in the background
Wednesday-I have no idea what we did, G probably flew a kite, butch and i probably layed on the beach, and you can chime in if you remember more than that.
Okay, say you've had a margarita or two (dozen) and are trying to play frisbee golf on Wii, it's always best to borrow your brothers hat (turned backwards) to help your balance!
(and I'm not even going to mention the jammies)
Thursday-Ocrocoke and Portsmith Island day!
Sunrise, from the ferry
On Portsmith
Ocrocoke at Jolly Rogers (no, you can't dress em up, or take em out)
Guys, I'm telling you, we're heading the wrong way!
Friday-Breakwater for dinner, V took picture off the dock to show Tina where her camera was hiding. Damn our last night, this week went way too fast.
Saturday-Damn itall! Maybe we need two weeks!
Saturday sunrise
Okay, random picutres i like...

Brother in laws at dawn

One of the George's curled up after an overnight storm. (he just knew 2 most important things-what time dinner was, an where were was the best apartment to go to for good grub)
Okay, we had some totally cool sunrises, so of course i took way to many pictures of them.

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