Adventures of drafter and Butch.
"Whatever Earl" is what you say when someone
you love starts a sentence with...
"I just was thinking....."
Here are the real stars of the show. Butch has/had 10 uncles, 9 of them served in the military in some form or the other. The gentleman in red in the middle is sporting something that he doesn't show very often. It's the Purple Heart he was awarded at Normandy. Lucky for the family, it's the only one all those brothers acquired.
So, this is some of what I came home with, and below is the RUM/apple pie some of it became. yum.
Our Beach House
Butch is like a clam happy, and I'm a wreck thinking about everything that goes along with it. I swear he's going to drive me to the funny farm in this thing. But, it has been our plan, and we've been looking and sizing up what we wanted for about 3 years now. It really is nice, and it was almost exactly what we were looking for- a 2005 Winnebago Adventurer. We bought it used, and the people who bought it new had almost every option you could put on it on it. It only has 10,000 miles on it. This weekend we're going to take it out to a local campground so we can actually open up all the awnings, and try everything out. The thing even has a washer/dryer too. I'll never figure out all the satellite tv stuff. I'll have to get back to you on how it goes.
Population in 1860-685
This is the Methodist church taken from the top crow's nest of the lifesaving station.
The church was knocked off it's piers a bit during Isabelle, so it's a little leany.
Easy for us to relate to, since we ran from her on Hatteras.
An Islanders cross
There is an island there that has sunk into the sound. Fort Ocracoke used to be there and is now underwater. Today, it is used as a sanctuary for the Brown Pelican. Thousands nest and breed there. The white ones here do not have flight feathers yet.
We docked back in Oracoke, at the Jolly Roger, we walked around the island for a while and did some shopping. We were terribly parched and a little bit hungry so it seemed like a good idea to head right back to the Roger, and satisify both needs. When you see signs around your outdoor dining area and they say DO NOT FEED THE ANIMALS! it doesn't always mean the drunks. Not long after we sat down another party of about 10 came in and began to make a huge quacking scene. The mallards wandered around under the tables looking for handouts or scraps that had been overlooked. Of course, this was partway through our second pint and our table was the one that they decided to have a girl fight over some boy. Butch got a round of applause when he broke that one up. Course, the flying feathers were all over us. (I did save my beer) .
So, ta-da, that was our adventure on Ocracoke this year.
I know it's overdue, but you know.
We went over to Portsmith Island on Tuesday to do some shelling and visit the NPS restoration of the village. The hardest thing about it....was informing butch that we had to get up at 5AM on a vacation day so we could catch the 6AM ferry. We made it down to the ferry with time to spare, and butch was a little happier once he had actually gotten a cup of coffee from the ferryman. We chatted up with the Terminix man who was going to Ocracoke to do his rounds until we all realized "oh, shit, we're loading!!" and everyone made a run for their vehicles. This is why I had pictures of the beautiful sunrise coming up over the ocean, from the ferry, with a bugs butt in front of me. I know, I could have actually gotten out of the van and walked up and had the "cliche" picture, but at 6AM the fact that we were watching the sun come up over a bugs butt just made me laugh hysterically. Butch having had some caffeine in his system, was actually kind of seeing my humor. (well, maybe just a little-there might have been some eye rolling involved)
Notice, he's still carrying a coffee cup? On the boat across the sound and all.
You don't find many beaches with this many people on them.
Butch eeking out every bit of power from the atv.
He actually let me drive.
Okay, I jumped in the drivers seat when he was picking up a shell and wouldn't get out.
Part II-The Village.....later.Butch and R wondering why these little glasses get empty so fast.
Cousin Sharon, Brenda and Butch
So, here it is September. Off Butch and I go to the beach. But first, a stop at Richmond for the race Saturday night. Of course, that's when Hurricane Hanna is supposed to be in Richmond too. Lovely. This is the second time in 3 years that a hurricane has come through on race weekend. So we may be leaving Friday night, or we may be leaving Sunday morning. We're like idiots with the weather channel trying to get an idea of what is going to happen and the only answer you can get is-well, it may do this.....or it may do that, we're not really sure yet. Down on the island we should be okay. Well, as long as Ike stays to the south. Somehow, having 2 hurricanes come through on our week vacation would be about the only thing to top having to run from Isabelle a couple of years ago. I know September is a horrible month for being there, but it's also the best month to be there as long as you can time the hurricanes right. So, cross your fingers for us, we're going to need it!
Butch and R on the deck of the Chesapeake. It made me laugh since it looks like there is a really big building coming up from the deck.
We topped the day off with a McHenry draft beer and a crab cake from Phillips...mmmmm!
Now, you see that my person can not manage to not get that leash knotted up around my legs? Well, we're out relaxing on the back patio, sippin on some cold ones, and my male person was not paying attention and didn't see when I walked under this chair. Well, the next thing I know that chair was chasing me across the patio. Everyone started screaming and I'm just trying to get the heck away from that dumb chair and my man is trying to catch me and drafter is trying to get my leash unwrapped from the chair leg and the dumb chair is still chasing me. So finally drafter gets the chair, and my man holds me down and they get me untied from that stupid chair leg the leash was tangled around. I'll tell you, that was some scary chair. I kept my eye on it the rest of the night.
We hung out and AB ran circles around the yard for a while. It was starting to get dark so I couldn't find any bee's and of course I didn't get a chance to chase any bunnies. We took off and headed home after that. It was fun, but I still don't trust that dumb chair.
Lyd, and the girls
An explanation...my something old was a gold pin shaped like a palm tree. My grandfather, on probably the only vacation he ever had, went to Florida, and brought Lydia back the pin. So, I didn't want to lose something that meant so much by having it pinned somewhere, so I put it down the front of the brassiere. When Butch squeezed me and leaned me backward, the torture strapless bra threw my boobs up to my chin and smooshed the sharp leaves of the pin into the ta's. That was the moment the photographer took this picture.
We spent about 10 days on the island and towards the end of our HONEYMOON, I looked at my now husband, and realized that the one baseball cap he had been wearing the entire time of our HONEYMOON said.....
I'd Rather Be Racing!
This is what will one day actually be a kitchen. I know you're thinking where can I get that gorgeous combination of lower paneling, textured paneling with the 1800's theme over top and to say nothing for that unbelievable flooring. You just can't get a designer look like this at lowe's, this could have only come from the 1970's. We do have an avacado green stove and fridge, maybe I could get something for them at the yard sale. So I'm hoping that after layers of Kilz that I can paint the lower paneling white and the uppper a light blue with a chair rail running between the two. Hopefully, it will give the impression of wainscoating. Okay, so I'm not holding my breath, but it will look a whole lot better than this crap. The drywalled wall is where the cabinets are going to be, with the sink under the window. The stove will be in about the space now occupied by that darling rolling table and precious table lamp. It truly is amazing what crap people leave behind when they move.
Off to refill the ice in Butch's ice pack and to meet up with Dr Bacardi.
three little birds chirping at me. Don't know what happened to four, there are always egg shells all over the ground here.
So I'm out mowing today and I do my donuts around that little blue spruce, and peek in and all I see is feathers. Big mommy feathers everywhere, and little bits of baby down. It was like saying Biscuits (the neighborhood cat) was here. I motioned to Butch that the birds were gone and his comment was "Wondered how long it would be before they were kitty breakfast" .
I know, I know, it's nature.
Damn cat.
No Disney ending here.
Norman Bollinger on April 18th 2008 built and signed this for us!
And the "Lotus Blossom" walls look superb! (if i don't say so myself)
We're off to the races this weekend. Jim Cantore and friends are painting a pretty bleak picture for this weekend weather. We'll see. It seems like it rains for the spring race enough that they ought to just call it a Sunday race. We're always coming home waterlogged. I just wish there was some way we could get to "The Rock" this weekend too. Thank you Andy Hillenberg for bringing back such a wonderful track.
Oh, still haven't gotten those plants in. We've had almost 5" of rain in the last 10 days and with the nasty clay ground we have here, you can forget putting a shovel in the ground.