Sunday, October 10, 2010

September-Part 1

We started the annual September tour with a quick little jaunt to Atlanta.....over labor day.  The weather was great and we had a blast with the people camped around us.  Butch just had to take some pics of the weather. 
just a few close friends here

the front of our "beach house" and the guys next door.  it's always a good thing to have neighbors that have a flat screen outside!

great sunset over the track

We got back home in one piece except for my mind that I lost in labor day traffic.  

It was pretty late when we got home and we only had 3 days before we left for Richmond.  So we yanked everything racing out of the motorhome and into the van.  In addition, we were going to the beach directly from the race, and needed to pack everything for that too.  It was a crowded van, but as a (in)famous person once told me...."Babe, this ain't my first rodeo".  We've had quite a bit of practice at creative packing.
Had a blast at richmond with Rich (big dog) and his wife sandy.  you know the race drill, bullshit, beer, and eating too much.

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