Tuesday, October 25, 2011


September is always the best month to vacation.  The weather is (almost) always great, the kids are back in school (so it's alot quiteter), and because of that the crowds are not as bad.  It's a great time to just go.....except for that hurricane thing.
September is always brutally busy for us.  Nothing like 10 lbs of shit in a 5 lb bag...

Irene.  The bitch took out Rte 12 South, which meant we could not get to the island for our week on Hatteras.  Lucky, everyone there was safe and in the dark, but in good shape....if we could have reached them.  So we went to plan b.

Labor day means we haul our asses and the beach house to Atlanta.  As I've said before, there's nothing like driving a 36" motorhome through Hellanta in Labor day traffic.  Thank chemicals, I make it.
This year, we made it through the truck, and nationwide races, which were really good races.  Sunday rolls around and all the weather forcasts predicted massive amounts of rain starting around 5pm coming from a hurricaine that was coming up through the gulf. 
You know, the time the Lynard Skynard concert was about to start.  The weathermen were not wrong this time.  We never even walked up to the track.  When they eventually called the race, (to be run on tuesday) we had the motorhome packed up, jacks up, and rolling before most of the people even got close to their cars.  We made it up the road in good time considering we ran just on the rain line all the way.  We were somewhere in the hills of Virginia when my friend AS called.  He was keeping an eye on the house.  Apparently, we had had a squawl/mini tornado/wind sheer event that took out the big pine tree at the end of our drive.  As AS put it, "Do you know the 60 foot pine tree that used to be at the end of your driveway?  The one that was 45 feet away from butch's truck?"  um, yeah.  Not even our tree.  But somehow through the convoluted insurance system, we not only have to pay to get the truck fixed, but to add insult to injury, we have to pay for the freakin tree cleanup.  I can't even get into all the details of not being able to fix the truck, the damn old people who's tree it is was, and insurance companies, or my mind will melt out again.

The second weekend, we're at Richmond for the nascar race there.  It was a great weekend.  Big Dog and Sandy go to the fall race with us and we always have a ball.  Normally, we would head to Hatteras from Richmond, but we had to book a week later to get into Myrtle.
Silly me, after that I thought we had all the bad things behind us.

So we have plan b....
We went to Myrtle on monday of the 3rd week.  butch was not feeling spiffy on the way down.  he didn't get better and spent the better part of 2 days in bed....on vacation....and not in a good way!  i made it to the beach a couple of times in between the rain that was coming in from another hurricaine.  i started feeling bad on thursday, and i packed us up, and we came home 3 days early.  since then, he's had a round of antibiotics, i've had 2 rounds, and an ear infection (i still can't hear in one ear), we've cornered the market on puffs with aloe, and we're STILL not over it.
Which leads me to the race at dover on weekend #4.  with rain in the forcast (from the remains of a hurricaine-go figure) and both of us sick, butch yelled "uncle" and axed going there on saturday morning. 
much to my relief. 
So how was your September???

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