Wednesday, July 30, 2008


So last I left you, we'd spent a weekend pulling up the old Masonite and floor off the Ringold St kitchen floor. Well, we got through that and got it all loaded up and off to the dump. Now, we can start re-building. This is an old duplex house. I mean old. Okay, we're not talking about historical registers or anything, but they're damn old. Which actually means that there is nothing straight, level, or flat. The old tongue and groove wood floor base was severely cupped and sagging on at least two sides. So there's a product that is basically like silly sand, but it's cement. You mix this stuff up and you keep stirring until you pour and it sets up and hopefully your floor is better than what you started out with. Cool. So Butch got the luwan cut to size and placed and last Friday night we picked up the STAPLER! You hook this baby up to the air compressor and away you go! Well, I'm sitting on a stool with wheels so I can scoot around and have this stapler in hand and Butch says make sure you put a staple every 4 inches. I kinda figured this was an approximate measurement and he was like no, every 4 inches. So, I'm sitting there facing into a corner and the drywall square was there leaning on the wall. So, I flipped it down on the floor thinking that I could use it as a guide to 4 inches-you know, just for a bit till I got the hang of it. So I start off and the stapler is so cool. Ka-chunk, Ka-chunk, Ka-chunk......

Okay, I stapled the damn drywall square to the stinkin' floor. All I could do was laugh. Actually after prying it off the floor, Butch wasn't too pleased with me. For all he knew I could have stapled my foot to the floor, but nooooooo, just because his square now has a hole at 38 3/8 inches he was all upset with me. After I did that, I gave up on that 4" thing and just went for "about 4" "
I'm terrified of the nail gun, but that stapler was pretty damn fun.
He's been on shut-down at work this week, so he's been over there in the day, which means I get out of working at night. R has been helping him out with the painting and electric stuff. Butch says R knows what needs to be done and he just goes and does it. I think I'm jealous. I'll just bet he's not as much fun as me.....and I'm sure Butch sure doesn't have to worry as much either.

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