Monday, January 19, 2009

Someone crazy

called on the phone during the third quarter of the Raven vs the pits game. It was a number I didn't recognize, I knew it had to be someone wanting to mess with me. I picked up the phone and since I was already screaming, yelled into the phone "I don't know who the "f" this is but you must be "f"ing stupid to be "f"ing calling me now." thankfully, it was butch's nephew who graduated this weekend, who was laughing, and wasn't a local church group. (they already pray for my heathen ass as it is!) So the idiots from coal town actually won one this time. The other two games this year were determined by the refs. I hope they choke.

Do you know why the steeler cheerleaders don't wear black and gold?

Cause they would be confused with the defensive line!

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